A change of pace
It's been quite a while now that I've been painting and modding mecha kits. So long in fact that I am totally burned out on them. What originally drew me to the plamo hobby, creativity, has been replaced with obsession over hyper detailing every kit to the point of abstraction. The simple fun is just not there. I do however love to paint so I found something else to focus my attention on, miniatures. The process of re-learning to hand paint has been very calming. I recommend it if you feel like your models just aren't cutting it anymore. I'm sure I'll return to my backlog of gundams soon enough but in the mean time check out some miniatures! First up is bones's balor demon. Bones's dragoth the defiler lich. Quite a title. And finally bones's totally not gandalf the wizard. I've got a lot of practice hours to log on painting cloth and metals. It's a bit daunting but I'm ...