
Showing posts from August, 2015

Menoth WIP

The humble beginnings of my Menoth collection. Been working on these guys on and off for a while now. The color white has never been easy for me to air brush let alone hand paint so this has really been a learning experience all over again. I decided to try out Privateer Press's paints with these and I have to say they are great. The liquid pigments thin out very well while still remaining solid enough to require only a coat or two. All of the metallic parts are done with Vallejo's Model air range which are almost as good as some lacquers i've used.  Obviously an Alclad or Gunze is going to be a bit brighter but for something you can hand paint you really can't complain.  After several attempts I finally got a nice even white.  Armor detailed with model air aluminium.  Further detailed with P3 brass.   I varied their colors a bit to give them a more individual look.   A...

From the backlog: Baymox

First in a series of kits I completed this summer!  The first thing I thought when I saw the mock kit was blank canvas. It seems to WANT to be modified into all kinds of things. All of its hard points make mounting whatever you want to it very simple and it's lack of obvious seam lines make it a joy to work with. This particular kit was my first commission work, based on  This  kit by taka_taisa. He's painted and top coated in acrylic with buffing powder on the joints to make him a bit more playable than a lacquer painted kit. His wings are parts of the build booster pinned to the mock backpack. His face is a simple cutaway to show through to a styrene sheet and clear plastic. Ready for some fisticuffs. I may need to get a few more hangar parts for these aerial poses. He's too cute to be threatening. But he sure does try. Thanks for reading. I'll have another baymox for sale at Sabakon this September so if you'...