
Showing posts from September, 2018

Guide for Beginners: Metallics

Want to learn how to paint metallics like this? Of course you do! let's learn how. If you haven't read my other paint guides and you're a beginner I highly recommend you do so first. There are a TON of options for metal paint. Want an easy to apply and heavily covering one? Acrylic. Want a tough one to use in places where parts need to move? Enamel. Want a delicate one so reflective and wispy you can see your reflection? Lacquer. There are also 2 special options for metallic painting, Loose Pigments which can be custom mixed into pearl or solid metallic paints and buffing powders which are for extreme reflection. And before you ask, No there is no "best" metallic paint. Do some experimenting to find which one best suits your needs. Step 1: Clean and Prime The worst enemy of a metallic paint job is a messy under layer. Why? Because metallic paints are reflective and quite often semi translucent. Anything wrong on a lower laye...