Extreme Squad Lupus

My painted build of the Extreme Squad Lupus conversion for FM barbatos.
This was an excellent quality kit. The molding is crisp and details are beautifully rendered in soft, sandable resin.
It was de-nubbed easily and with minimal dust by method of wet sanding under running water.

I prepared the surface by sanding with 400, then 800, then 1000 grit sanding sponge. Then primed with Mr. Surfacer 1000. There were a few spots that should have been fixed with putty but I missed them at the time. A lesson for next time.

Several parts had difficulty retaining paint, chipping down to bare resin after masking several times. (Side skirts, sheathes, and shoulders.)
I eventually got paint to stick to these parts using a very thin putty as a tack coat.

List of paints used:
Gold 1 (light): Gaianotes EX Gold

Gold 2: Tamiya TS-23 of which I decanted 40 ml then added 5 drops of clear yellow lacquer (Gaia)

Grey 1: NAZCA mechanical surfacer

Grey 2: NAZCA super heavy surfacer

Metal 1 (grey): Trucolor graphite

Metal 2 (silver): Model Master chrome silver

Backpack blue: Mr. Color medium blue layered over Montana abyssal blue

Black: Gaianotes flat black EX

Red: Splash paints Ferrari red

Liner: 2 parts burnt umber to 1 part yellow ochre oil paint (blick basics brand) suspended in lighter fluid.

Green accent: Liquitex ink neon green

Eyes: Alclad transparent green over Model Master chrome

Glowing sword: base red, layer up to orange (tamiya) create hot spots with sunshine yellow (gaia) final hot with white (tamiya)

All paints were applied with a badger patriot 105 brush at 15-40 psi with a shop compressor.
Layers achieved through an intense amount of masking and reverse washing.

I used the decals included with the Extreme Squad kit as well as Hyaku Shiki decals made by SIMP.

A video on decal method can be found Here

Kit photography also done by me using a Canon 550D, 24x24 lightbox, and several LED ring lights. No post processing.

My photo equipment can be found Here

Check out My IG for more pictures

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