Geara Zaku

I started this build with the goal of learning more about the practical use of panel scribing and placement. I've been practicing carving my own lines with every tool you can imagine for years but the "golden mean" for placing them properly has always eluded me.
This time around I focused very intently on creating details with purpose, that is I decided what a detail would be before I started modifying my kit. I know it sounds obvious but this epiphany completely opened my eyes to what this discipline should actually be used for, creating hatches, panels, and recesses.

I believe what I was able to create with this new knowledge is both more realistic and aesthetically pleasing.

Along the way this build also became a test of my ability to conform to the IPMS build standard. Seams were obsessively filled, holes were drilled to uniform depth, weathering was applied with balance between subsections in mind.
The build portion has always been my weakest and I'm often disappointed that a paint job I've done outshines the kit it is put on by far.

This kit is painted with Tamiya acrylics and Tru Color Metallics. All paints are thinned with Rustoleum leveling thinner.

The dark green parts are based in JGSDF OD green, their highlight is a mix of that and Light Grey.
The lighter green parts are based in JA Grey which is a perfect color match for Zaku green.
Grey parts are based in Dark Grey with Light Grey and Flat White used for modulating.
Caution stripes were painted with Flat Yellow and Flat Black.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the project!


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